FINAL REPORT Statewide K-14 Technical Assistance Providers – Career Pathways Design
As of June 30, 2017 Angela Allison and Sean Glumace have completed their tenure as the K-14 Statewide Technical Assistance Providers for Career Pathways in the state of California. Below is the final report which was delivered to the California Community College Chancellors Office in August of 2017. If you have any questions about the report please direct them to the CCCO or contact Sean Glumace at
Statewide K-14 Technical Assistance Providers – Career Pathways Design
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
Rancho Santiago Community College District
K-14 Statewide Technical Assistance Providers
Angela Allison & Sean Glumace
This is the final report providing an overview of activities facilitated by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office’s two statewide K-14 Technical Assistance Providers (TAPs), “key talent,” for Career Pathways Design from 2015-2017. This report describes areas of focus and ground-level work with practitioners in 11 regions statewide, and provides recommendations for future work to better connect stakeholders and further the positive impact of career technical education (CTE) programs on California’s economy. The TAPs supported legislative priorities to train a 21st Century workforce, and advocated for policy shifts and stronger connections to industry to strengthen how CTE is delivered through the California Department of Education (CDE) and California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (Chancellor’s Office).
When the RFA for the Career Pathways Design grant was released, the Technical Assistance Providers were enlisted to focus on five key objectives designed to document and share experiences among CTE programs throughout the state. The recommendations included at the end of this report are designed to help policymakers and practitioners think in new ways about improving coordination, reporting, and pooling of resources to enhance students’ workforce preparation at K-12 schools and community colleges.