Comic Book Lettering Classroom Presentation at Big Bear Middle School - Student Projects

Career Day a day of fun for Big Bear middle schoolers
By KATHY PORTIE Reporter Jun 1, 2016
The halls were a little more lively between periods at Big Bear Middle School on May 26. It was the second annual Big Bear Middle School Career Fair, where students chose from a list of visiting career-minded people in four morning sessions.
The event was organized by teacher Ann Licona of the school’s language arts department. Licona said the 2016 event included more careers for students to investigate. “The kids really had fun last year,” Licona said, adding that she expected the event to be an even bigger hit this year.
Just as she started her conversation, a crowd of youngsters rushed to the door of Licona’s classroom, where officers from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department waited to talk about law enforcement.
Another popular classroom was Katheryn Olson’s math class where graphic designer Sean Glumace held court. Glumace’s expertise is lettering comic books. Glumace talked about the history and development of comic books. Lettering of dialogue is usually in all caps, Glumace said, because drafting and architecture workers were recruited to work in the comic industry. Lettering in those industries is typically in all caps, Glumace said.