San Diego Comic Con 2011: Full Time Creative Work on a Part-Time Schedule - Workshops, Panels & Appearances
Another year of San Diego Comic Con (2011) is come and gone! This year I had the pleasure of participating on the Full Time Creative Work on a Part Time Schedule panel. With over 250 + people in attendance (a great number seeing we were the very last panel at this years con) we covered how to network, find other talent you can work with and dispensed all kinds of nuggets of wisdom in the hour we had. After the panel we met up by the pool at the Marriott with attendees and kept it going till after 8pm. This was a fun and rewarding experience for me and I look forward to doing it again next year with everyone on the panel!
Full Time Creative Work on a Part Time Schedule
Sunday, July 24 Room: 32AB 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Creative Work on a Part-Time Schedule— Learn the secret to using part-time collaboration to achieve full-time results! No matter which industry (comics, illustration, movies, design, animation, costuming / cosplay), breaking into today’s media is a full-time job, even if you have only part-time hours to accomplish it. Hear Topher Davila (Art Director,, Aleister Gilgrim (Disney Publishing/Digital Media), Mario Martinez (Co-Creator,, Kevin Flessing (, Ron Coleman (Molecular Geneticist and writer), Jonelle Cobb(Creative Director,, Jody Patterson (main contributor,, Tara Strand(Co-Founder, Gotham Public Works),and Sean Glumace (Instructor, Golden West College Digital Arts Program) talk about how they successfully juggle time between the creative and business sides and discuss the process, pitfalls, and potential of part-time collaboration from their experiences in illustration, writing, design, animation and costuming / cosplay. Whether you’re a hobbyist or looking to go pro, if you struggle with deadlines, need help finding collaborators, or simply want to know how to get your foot in the door, this panel is not to be missed!
Photos from San Diego Comic Fest 2017