Having a quality finished project may be the most important ingredient to its success, but it's not the only vital ingredient. Avoiding issues when creating your project and then knowing how to get it to your target audience are vital-and rarely ever discussed. These panelists will tackle group management and working dynamics, networking, time management, exposure, and pitfalls. They include Topher Davila (art director, GeekdomWear.com), Sean Glumace (Adobe Education Leader), James Frye (managing editor, TheConGuy.com), Gene Turnbow (general manager, KryptonRadio.com), Javier Soto (senior dimensional artist at Garner Holt Productions, freelance artist for Disney Theme Parks), Ron Coleman, Ph.D. (molecular geneticist and comic book writer), and Mario Martinez (co-creator, TomatoTV). Every person who attends will get two postcards of some of the collected tips, wisdom, and potential pitfalls discussed. Also, one lucky attendee will win a 12-month subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud,