This panel covers the vital but basic concepts that can apply to anything in creative or geek culture, from professional goals to hobbyist projects. The panelists are Sean Glumace (Adobe education leader, comic book letterer), Heather Joseph-Witham, Ph.D. (professor at Otis College of Art and Design), Ron Coleman, Ph.D. (molecular geneticist and comic book writer), Dr. Renah Wolzinger (state director for retail, hospitality and tourism, California community colleges), Topher Davila (art director,Geekdom Wear), James Frye (managing editor, The Con Guy), and Mario Martinez (co-creator, Tomato TV). As the information has stacked up over the years, every person who attends will get a postcard of some of the collected tips, wisdom, and potential pitfalls talked about on past panels. Also, one lucky panel attendee will win a 12-month subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud-a $599 value, courtesy of Adobe education leader Sean Glumace.