The Importance of Online Branding and Professionalism | WonderCon@Home 2020
If the “Full-Time Creative Work on a Part-Time Schedule” panel is for any group with a goal, then this “Importance of Online Branding and Professionalism” is for anyone with a goal. It can be argued that online branding and acting professionally are as important as the actual work itself you do. It certainly is what helps you move to the next project or get people to notice your current one. Online branding is a collection of tools to get the good kind of attention focused on us or our projects. Knowing the most effective use of the platforms, websites, and tips on how to use the internet is as important as the quality of the work itself often. Professionalism is vital because acting like a professional is key to keeping your job, getting people to work with you , and getting people to call you back for the next job. This panel is stacked with people with a large amount of experience on either topic.
Moderator Ron Coleman Ph.D. (molecular geneticist and comic writer)
Gene Turnbow (founder/station manager Krypton Radio, editor-in-chief Helium Beach Press: and
Dr. Renah Wolzinger (owner Renzone Music, ed tech manager, digital media faculty:
June Bayha (CEO Bayha Group,
Sean Glumace (Adobe education leader, comic book letterer,
Topher Davila (art director,, writer,, starting July 2020)