Full-Time Creative Work on a Part-Time Schedule - WonderCon 2015 

3:30PM - 4:30PM
Anaheim Convention Center
Room 216

Knowing the basics of group dynamics, forming, and then working with a group without mortally wounding each other is the difference between success or failure of your projects, and possibly friendships too. No matter which industry (comics, illustration, TV/movies/webseries, webcomics, design, animation, costuming/cosplay, blogging), "breaking in" has never been a more apt term than in today's media. It's a full-time job and you only have part-time hours to accomplish it. This panel covers a wide array of organizational subjects, with a diverse panel who can speak to a variety of topics specific to your projects: Topher Davila (art director GeekdomWear.com), Sean Glumace (Adobe education leader), Heather Joseph-Witham, Ph.D. (Mythbusters and various TV), Ron Coleman, Ph.D. (molecular geneticist), Jonelle Davila (creative director, TheGeekGirlProject.com), Gene Turnbow (general manager, KryptonRadio.com), Mario Martinez (co-creator, TomatoTV), and Brendon Creecy (podcaster). They'll provide a mix of speaking, Q&A, and short interactive applications that directly apply the topics covered. Also, because it is tax season, Jun Watanabe (Enrolled Agent) will share some must-know tax tips relevant to personal projects and business. As an added bonus to help get your creative work life, the panel will give away a one-year subscription to Adobe's Creative Cloud.
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