Full Time Creative Work On A Part Time Schedule | WonderCon@Home 2020
This panel is for any group with a goal. That claim may sound lofty, but there is a reason this panel has been lucky enough to be on San Diego Comic Convention’s schedule for 12 years and WonderCon’s schedule for 7 years. This panel is a unique approach of talking about vital, but base concepts which means the covered topics can apply to any project size or scope in any media or anything in creative or geek culture from purely fun to high-end professional quality hobbies to profit-generating professional endeavors. How is the information that widely applicable? No matter what your project is there are always the challenges of time management, resource management, and communication. Anyone working on any of the following could use the information covered: comic books, TV/film, animation, podcasts, costuming/cosplay, fan groups, music, illustration. blogging, music, or webcomics.
This time we are part of The Con Guy to produce the best content both brands can talk about. The panelists are: Luke Cheeseman (director of media, TheConGuy.com), Sean Glumace (Adobe Education Leader, Comic Book Letterer - Glumace.com), Dr. Renah Wolzinger (owner Renzone Music, Ed tech manager, Digital Media Faculty - Renah.com), Gene Turnbow (founder/station manager Krypton Radio, editor-in-chief Helium Beach Press - kryptonradio.com and heliumbeach.com), Topher Davila (art director, GeekdomWear.com & Writer, TheComicsJunky.com - Starting July 2020) and moderator Derek Samms (TheConGuy.com).